Alexandra Carpenter-Goodall, Springbok Scout

Supplied by Theo Rijs, Chair: National Scout Programme

Congratulations to Alexandra Carpenter–Goodall, 1st Cowies Hill Air Scouts, KwaZulu Natal for achieving her Springbok Award! We wish you continued success and fulfilment in your Scouting career!

Alexandra’s Springbok Expedition was a challenging hike in the Drakensberg’s Cobham area, braving adverse weather and rugged terrain. Over three days, the group overcame hailstorms, navigational challenges, and impassable rivers. Implementing her Safe Scouting knowledge, Alexandra rerouted the hike to a secure path on the second day to ensure the safety of herself and her peers.

Despite setbacks, their determination prevailed. To complete the required distance; undeterred, they extended the adventure, exploring a local waterfall and had fun crossing a suspension bridge. Alexandra’s adaptability and positive spirit shone through, emphasising the Scouting ethos of personal growth and teamwork.

In a heartwarming display of compassion and initiative, she undertook a project to bring joy and warmth to the Likhon iThemba HOLAH baby house (House of Love and Hope) and focused on enhancing the living conditions for the for orphaned children. Her project reflected the values that make the Springbok Scouts a force for positive change in the community, emphasising compassion, community service, and the transformative power of small gestures.

For her major project she decided to host a fun quiz-themed banquet. The banquet included a tasty three-course meal, and the quiz was challenging and lots of fun. When asked how she felt about the banquet, she replied ” It was a good and enjoyable experience! Each Scout of my team played an important role in making the evening special”.